Please, select the research line of your interest to have detailed information about it.

Ref. University Area Research Line Supervisor in hosting research group
UDL-OM University of Lleida AGRI-FOOD AND NUTRITION Use of nanostructured lipid systems to design plant-based foods with anti-obesity properties Olga Martín Belloso Apply
UDL-JR University of Lleida AGRI-FOOD AND NUTRITION Creating highly diverse, low-competitive cover crop communities in permanent crops Jordi Recasens Apply
UDL-IA University of Lleida AGRI-FOOD AND NUTRITION Evaluation of Nitrogen recycling and Nitrogen loss and potential improvements for its reduction in sustainable livestock production Ahmad Reza Seradj Apply
UDL-DP University of Lleida AGRI-FOOD AND NUTRITION Plant protein production in the Mediterranean area to mitigate climate change: a large-scale modelling approach Daniel Plaza-Bonilla Apply
UDL-CR University of Lleida AGRI-FOOD AND NUTRITION Effect of natural organic matter on the chemodynamics of nutrients and trace elements in soils, sediments and hydroponic media. Carlos Rey-Castro Apply
UPNA-RM Public University of Navarre AGRI-FOOD AND NUTRITION Evaluating extensive livestock systems in the Irati Biosphere Reserve: A multidimensional analysis of sustainability, ecosystem services, and climate resilience Rosa Maria Canals Tresserras Apply
UPNA-FM Public University of Navarre AGRI-FOOD AND NUTRITION Novel N-fertilisation approaches in the response to abiotic stress in plants Jose Fernando Morán Apply